Detail akce

Zkoušky na DAN

21.11.2015 - 22.11.2015
Název akce:
Zkoušky na DAN
Typ akce:
Místo konání:
Doplňující informace:
21. - 22.11.2015 – SEMINÁŘ/ZKOUŠKY DAN:


21. 11. 2015

Seminář (20 EURO)

ZKUŠEBNÍ KOMISAŘ : Dr. Norbert Mosch

10.00 - 13.00

15.00 - 18.00


09.00 - 14.00 ZKOUŠKY DAN/POOM

1st Dan:

basic techniques and combinations (hand and foot)
1-step fighting (12 - 15 different sequences)
jumping kicks (basic single kicks) on a target (hand mitt)
kyorugi (technical fighting with an opponent, about 30 seconds, with or without protectors)
poomsae (one poomsae from taeguk 1 - 8 plus Koryo)
self defense (without weapons) - some defenses against basic attacks
breaking (about 4 - 6 different breaking techniques on boards or similar, from all basic kicks plus duitdollyochagi on a free board and fist strike or knife hand strike on a free board) Free board means that the board is held only with two fingers (no pushing back)
theory (some questions about Taekwondo history, competition or technical details)
2nd Dan:

double kicks and combinations (hand and foot)1-step fighting (15 - 18 different sequences)
jumping kicks (double kicks) on targets (hand mitt)
kyorugi (technical fighting against two opponents at the same time, about 30 seconds, with or without protectors)
poomsae (one poomsae from taeguk 1 - 8 or Koryo plus Kumgang)
self defense (with weapons, sticks or knives)
breaking (about 4 - 6 different breaking techniques on boards or similar, the student can choose which kind of breaking he performs, but the level of difficulty should be high
theory (some questions about Taekwondo history, competition or technical details)
3rd Dan:

double and triple kicks and combinations (hand and foot)
1-step fighting (18 - 20 different sequences)
jumping kicks (double and triple kicks) on targets (hand mitt)
kyorugi (technical fighting against three or more opponents at the same time, about 30 seconds, with or without protectors)
poomsae (one poomsae from taeguk 1 - 8, Koryo or Kumgang, plus Taebaek)
self defense (with weapons, sticks or knives)
breaking (about 4 - 6 different breaking techniques on boards or similar, the student can choose which kind of breaking he performs, but the level of difficulty should be very high
theory (some questions about Taekwondo history, competition or technical details)
4th Dan:

some basic combinations
special kicking combinations
special jumping kicks
kyorugi against multiple opponents
poomsae (one poomsae from Koryo up to Taebaek plus Pyongwon)
self defense - program can be chosen freely
special breaking techniques - can be chosen freely
theory (technical basics, coaching and competition rules)
5th Dan:

some basic combinations
special kicking combinations
special jumping kicks
kyorugi against multiple opponents
poomsae (one poomsae from Koryo up to Pyongwon plus Sipjin)
self defense - program can be chosen freely
special breaking techniques - can be chosen freely
theory (technical basics, coaching and competition rules)
From 2nd Dan up to 5th Dan students are free to choose their breaking techniques and their self defense program.

Ceník zkoušek:

Poplatek Českému svazu Taekwondo WTF …….. 500 Kč

Poplatek WTF:

1. DAN 70 USD

2. DAN 90 USD

3. DAN 120 USD

4. DAN 150 USD

5. DAN 300 USD

Přihlášení závodníci na akci
Created by Lukas Zach
